Company Director Manoj Poddar told the daily said that Rs 900 per person will be charged for a ride on Alaknanda. The online booking of tickets will be available shortly.
Ticket Cost of Alakannda Cruise |
Alakannda Cruise Cost per Person |
900/-INR |
UP Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has inaugurated a five-star luxury cruise ship on Ganga, amid uproar among the sadhu community of Kashi, said DNA. Being operated by Nordic Cruise line, the double-decker 2,000 sq feet luxury boat has a seating capacity of 125 tourists. It has 60 seats in the air-conditioned lower deck fitted with big glasses to enjoy the ‘Ganga Aarti’ at Dashashamedh Ghat and ‘Subah-e-Banaras’ at Assi Ghat in Varanasi .
In the first phase, Alaknanda will sail between Assi Ghat to Panchganga Ghat covering a distance of 12 km and all 85 famous ghats of Kashi .
“The company will also book the cruise to organize birthday parties, anniversary celebrations and will also offer the facility to hold Rudrabhishek Yajna onboard on Ganga river. The yajna will be performed by 11 learned Brahmins. The company will charge Rs 75,000 for the yajna per family.,” he said.