ArogyaSetu’s E-Pass might Help You Travel Across India Post Lockdown
Saturday , April 25, 2020
AarogyaSetu app from the Government of India is receiving a lot of appreciation across the nation and we might have another reason why you should download the app and sign-up ASAP. The app will soon issue an e-pass to its users, which has a lot of use cases.
As of now, the app offers features like self-assessment tests to find if one is infected by COVID-19 and it also has guidelines to maintain social distancing to stay safe. To get the most out of the AarogyaSetu app, make sure to keep the app updated. We have listed several reasons why you should download the AarogyaSetu app.
What Is E-Pass On Aarogya Setu?
E-pass is nothing but an electronic pass, which will have basic information like name, company name, validity, and location. As of now, the app claims that an e-pass can only be used for essential supply purposes and misusers will be punished.
Every e-pass on AarogyaSetu will have a unique ID comprising of alphanumeric digits and this unique ID is considered as the e-pass number. The pass will be valid in select location and it will be issued by the respective state government.
How To Use AarogyaSetu E-Pass ?
AarogyaSetu e-pass works as a regular ID and the authorities will have an option to verify the same by various means. Carry a valid government ID like Aadhaar, Voter ID, DL, or Pan Card else the e-pass will not be valid. One can verify the e-pass by sending an SMS in the following format.
Verify “e-pass number” to 9686454890
How To Get E-Pass On AarogyaSetu?
Download the AarogyaSetu app and set up your profile. Depending on certain parameters, the app will issue e-pass, which can be accessed from the app .
Future Applications Of AarogyaSetu E-Pass
According to a source, the e-pass has several use cases. This could be a parameter used by your organization, which decides if you can work from an office or work from home. It is also said to be used in public places like parks, restaurants, and bars. Similarly, Aarogya Setup e-pass will be used while traveling in public transports like buses and flights.