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Rajgir Dance Festival 2018 in Bihar, India/p>

Rajgir Dance Festival 2018

Rajgir Dance Festival 2018 :
Rajgir Dance Festival is going to be celebrated on 27 (Tuesday) -29 December (Thursday) in 2018. These are expected dates by Bihar Government Official information.

Holy Voyages provide special package as well as below facilities while your Rajgir Dance Festival 2018

Holy voyages provides :

Help in Photography :
Rajgir Dance festival 2018/Rajgir Mahotsav 2018 is a festival that should be captured in cameras to cherish memories of your celebration. Holy Voyages help you in every aspect while your photography packages that could make your Rajgir Dance festival 2018/Rajgir Mahotsav 2018 unique throughout life. You would have an eternal impression of your activities captured while performing cultural activities and rituals that you have assimilated after coming to Rajgir, the Holy City.

These Photography Sessions are especially unique if you are a first and last visitor to Rajgir as you would wish to capture each and every thing that you find to be unique in the city. So, avail our photography package.

  • Accommodations best hotels, guest houses, budget home stay accommodations. Transportations : A/c commercial vehicles – small/big cabs for small group, tempo travelers/Mini coaches/Coaches for larger group. Tourist Guides : Registered Tourist guide in any language.
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